What We Do

Petcabs offer professional pet-friendly transport services for you and your pets to and from Rural destinations as requested.
We can also transport pets alone in your absence, be it cats, dogs, puppies, kittens, birds, rabbits and any other creatures as required in our prestige vehicles.

Door-to-Door Service

Petcabs provide flexible door-to-door transport for your dog, cat and other pets in air-conditioned vehicles to and from Rural areas of Victoria.

Be it a trip to the airport, veterinary transfer or a journey to your pets’ favourite boarding establishment we charge a minimum fee of $95.00.
Petcabs will arrive at your designated pick-up address at the time  requested, load you and your pet and take you to your requested destination.

Bulldog in cab

Airport Trip Made Easy

Airport Trips Made Easy:
To make an airport transport easy, we load you and your pets plus luggage at your designated pick-up address at a your requested time, then deliver you to your preferred airline to lodge your pet, wait for you while you lodge your pet then deliver you to the appropiate departures area for you to board your flight.
We do it all in reverse for incoming passengers and their pets.

The minimum fee for airport transfers is $175.00.

Some Destinations

Petcabs provide a full pick-up and drop-off service to and from private homes, apartments, businesses, airports, trains, boarding kennels, catteries, pet motels, grooming parlours, film sets, tv studios, photo shoots, weddings, quarantine holding facilities and much more.

Big Event?

Petcabs can pick-up and deliver you and your pets to weddings, birthday parties and other significant or specialist events without fuss or bother.

Travel in Mercedes luxury for those special occasions…

Book early for these events…

A CTA phone.

Want to know more, call 1300 888 633

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